I loved talking with you guys Christmas Eve. All of you make me
so happy. Everyone in our family is just so cool. Man. Grandpa, Grandma, Krissy,
and Kory too. It was so good to talk to everyone. I`m glad you liked your
presents too. Mom, I`m gonna try to find another nativity when I go back to the

I just wanted to mention that this Christmas season what we`ve
been doing a lot lately in lessons is sharing Luke 2 - I got the idea from
Grandpa - that`s what we always do as a family Christmas eve! It`s been really
successful, and I never realized how many lessons can be applied in Luke 2.
Almost every lesson we`ve ended up talking about something different.
Ok, because I didn`t write last week, I should probly introduce
my new companion. Elder Aguirre from Equador! I am training for the second time.
He is the bomb. Probly one of the best prepared missionaries I`ve seen out here.
I`ve been so blessed to train great missionaries filled with The Spirit and
animo. I have much to learn from him and we have got some big goals to
accomplish in our time together.
Some happenings this week. We had interviews with Pte. on
Saturday - they were great. He is doing somethin really cool - asking all the
missionaries for their favorite scripture and writing it in his triple. When he
asked me for mine, I gave him D&C 130:20-21. Also during interviews, Hermana
Ward broke some breaking news: because of all the new missionaries worldwide,
and also the huge increase of missionaries in our mission, the departure dates
have all been changed - set back or set forward. Lucky for me, my date got set
back! I`ll have the blessing of serving almost 25 months! I`ll come home in
early December. December 7 or something like that. Lastly, Mom, I must tell you.
Hermana ward made................ peanut butter chocolate rice krispies. WHA?!
It sent me into a whole other world. They tasted exactly like yours!!!! It
reallllly made me miss home for a few moments.
Ok, great news with investigators! We`ve got an entire family
of 5 investigating. La familia Sotto. Dang. We had the most spiritual
restoration lesson with them. The dad at the end of the lesson wanted to read
the Book of Mormon, and he said he has lots of questions for next time. The kids
are sweeet and all wanna get baptized. Eric, age 20, Anajansi, age 17, and
Daira, age 14. The mom is blind. Can you say cool? If we get dad on board, this
family will soon be eternal (Give it a couple years with temple sealing.) This
is probly my best full-family I`ve ever taught in the mission.
Well, I`m gonna wrap up but I wanna say a couple scriptures I
loved this week: 2 Nefi 9, and 3 Nefi 18:32. I hope you all have a happy new
year - tonight we are staying the night in Kniff`s and Carrillo`s house.
2013!!!!! Wow! I was born in 1992! Time is flying!
Love you all,
Elder Clarke
P.S.....Dave, I`m gonna tell you the same thing I told you last year: Kiss
someone at midnight!