Bueno, thank you Dad for always reminding me of that awesome saying. This week has been really amazing. For starters, if you couldn't tell by the pic, Carl´s Jr. opened this week here in the city - Me and the rest of the gringo elders couldn´t be happier with our lunch today. Something I haven't eaten in quite some time.
Just like to share a short experience Elder Follette and I had a little while ago - we were listening to the iPod you guys gave me one morning - "Praise to the Man". We were taking a quick study break and decided to each lay on our beds and just listen to the Motab work it´s magic. Well, I don´t really know how to explain it but as we listened to that song, The Spirit just came into the room so strong, but SO strong! And I don´t know but it just helped my testimony of Josepth Smith so much! It´s not often you hear hymns here in english and I don´t know - the words just touched us both so much! I know Joseph Smith was a prophet and I´m so thankful he was.
Ha allright, but for reals, today has been awesome. I had the privilege of going to the temple this morning for the first time in like 5 months! Man it was great. It´s amazing how much symbolism there is there and what you can really learn if you pay attention.
As for our area, it´s doing super well. We ended up moving Julia´s baptism up one week cuz the day of her baptism she fell sick.... we were kind of disappointed but it´s not that big of deal. She still has a ton of desire and she should be baptized this weekend. Another investigator I´m super pumped about is Gustavo. I don´t know if I mentioned him before, but this guy is great. He actually reminds me of Dad a little bit. He´s currently trying to get married to his already member wife - their marriage is the 8 of May, and he´s gettin' baptized on the 12th!! Yes!! This guy is the bomb. We've got him doing nightly prayer and scripture reading with his wife, Hna. Medina. One of my best baptisms I think it´ll be, priesthood-wise. Among others, we are working with Joli, Dimitri, and Josue (jovenes) and my favorite: with la familia Gomez - Soto, Adriana, and Davíd. 3 more baptisms that we hope to get in by the end of May. The Lord is blessing me right now with more prepared people than I think I've ever before previously received. It is such a great thing! I hope you like the pics from today, but I should be sending more in white clothing shortly.
Well I know that´s not much this week but I just wanna end with something funny: a few days ago in a visit, someone served us a plateful of cheese sandwiches. It just made me remember how I always used to eat cheese sandwiches when I was little - from what I can remember Mom telling me I used to eat one every day. Just so you know, I really enjoyed those cheese sandwiches. :) Well guys, do what you know you´re supposed to do, go to the temple, and I will talk to you in two weeks on Skype! Last time before I come home! WHooHOoo! Ya´ll have a good week :)
-Elder Clarke